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Children in Need 2020 (9th-13th November)

Save the date: Friday 13th November, 2020

Once again we will be supporting Children in Need and we need your help this year more than ever!!! As a result of the current restrictions that are in place, Children in Need will be a little different to previous years. However, we can still raise money for this very worthy cause and help our children in many different ways.


Children in Need Day will be Friday 13th November, 2020.

This will be a Non-Uniform Day and children will also have the opportunity to join Joe Wicks' Ultimate Feel Good Friday Challenge. We hope it will be a fun day and if children would like to be involved they need to start saving up their pocket money ready to make their donations.


Making a donation

To make a donation please click on the link below:


Thank you for your help and support!!!


During Children in Need week

Please read the quote below to see how Children in Need plan to promote wellbeing in schools during the Appeal Week.


'Five to Thrive

Welcome to our Primary Schools Campaign!

After the stress and worry of the coronavirus pandemic, this year we are making children’s mental wellbeing our number one priority – and we’re bringing in some very special friends to help.

Five to Thrive is our new unique programme of wellbeing activities inspired by the 5 ways to wellbeing, to help children feel happier and healthier this year. Led by Joe Wicks, Dr Radha and Blue Peter, we’ve got loads of fantastic content ready to be used by teachers across the UK in Appeal Week.

Friday is your opportunity to get the whole school involved with Joe’s Ultimate Feel Good Friday! Ask students to donate to take part, and support disadvantaged children right across the UK.'


Follow the link below to find out how you can help to raise money and what that money has been used for in the past.


Thank you so much to everybody who donated. I still can't believe that you raised £907.00 - That is truly amazing!!!!


Watch Children in Need on Friday 13th November, 2020 to find out how your donations help children, locally and nationally. This year one of our former pupils features on the show (Countryfile Ramblers) sharing information on how Children in Need has helped him and his family.