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At St John's we are very proud of the broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum we deliver to our children. We provide exciting, engaging lessons through a subject specific termly project structured as a 'Driver' project partnered with 'Companion' projects. The subjects taught through our projects include History, Geography, Science, Design & Technology, Art & Design. 


The projects are built from the Cornerstones Curriculum and are designed to ensure progressive and sequenced delivery of knowledge and skills underpinned by the National Curriculum Programmes of Study. We strive to ensure each child develops an understanding that 'sticks' with subject specific vocabulary. We also actively look for opportunities to adapt lessons, where appropriate, so they link to our locality and make our curriculum bespoke to our school context. Our projects also include Memorable Experiences and opportunities for the children to apply the knowledge and skills taught with Innovate Challenges.


For more detailed information please see our year group curriculum overviews below which show you the specific projects that are being taught, the learning principles behind them and the other subject specific information not taught through the projects. If you would like copies of these plans please do not hesitate to contact school.


St John's Curriculum Planning 2023 - 2024

If you require a paper copy of the plans please do not hesitate to contact school and one will be provided.

Some subjects are taught outside of these projects. However, links with the half termly theme

will still be made where appropriate.


Curriculum plans for these subjects can be found below. 

We take every opportunity to promote British Values at St. John's. Below you will find examples of how we go about ensuring our children appreciate the importance of British Values and how we respond to them.

These sub pages below are intended to help parents see what standards children are expected to have achieved at the end of each school year. We use them in school to record whether or not we have seen a child work at that standard or whether we believe the child fully understands and can apply that standard across the curriculum.

How to use these sheets to help at home was discussed at a parent workshop. Information provided to parents at that evening can be downloaded from our website it the 'Paperwork and Policies' section.

If you would like any further information about our curriculum please contact school directly and Mrs. Astell our curriculum lead will be able to help. 
