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Mrs Higgs' class

Welcome to Kedleston Class!

Here, you will be able to find some information about our class as well as Mrs Higgs' Quiz Question! Remember: this is your class page, so let me know if you have any ideas of things that we could share on it.

See you soon!

Mrs Higgs

We celebrated Remembrance Day and made poppies to remember those who had given their lives so that we could live ours.
Where is Kedleston?

Mrs Higgs' Quiz Question!

Will you be the first person to work out the answer, tell me and win a credit?


I am always running but never get hot or tired. What am I?


Previous questions:

What can travel around the world and stay in a corner?

Well done to George and Ruby who told me the correct answer: a stamp!


What gets wetter as it dries?

Well done to Callum and Charlie who told me the correct answer: a towel!
