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Mrs Newton




to Ockbrook



                        Ockbrook is a village in Derbyshire about 5 miles east of Derby.






Our Classroom

World Book Day

Christmas Jumper Day and Christingles

Children in Need

Projects in Year 5 

We have lots of exciting projects in Year 5, which offer lots of variety. For example, if you are a keen historian, we enter a world of mysteries and curses, mummies and kings when we study 'The Pharaohs.' If you are a budding scientist, 'Scream Machine' will be right up your street when you get to become engineers and get busy testing mechanisms, pendulums and pulleys to see how forces work.


Have a look here for homework ideas and get busy during the Summer Holidays. I can't wait to see what you create for our Stargazer's Project.

New Experiences in Year 5




Year 5 will have the opportunity to participate in swimming lessons throughout the Year on Tuesday mornings.  Due to current Government guidelines, lessons will not begin in September as in previous years.  These will hopefully start later on in the Autumn Term.  You will receive more details regarding swimming when more information has been provided.  We would kindly request that any parents who are available to help us by walking down to the Leisure Centre on Tuesday mornings could let class teachers know so that we can begin to make plans for when lessons are able to begin. The weather can generally be unkind to us too, so you must remember to bring your coat on that day, even if it looks like a lovely day when you set off for school.


Until swimming resumes, PE will take place in school on Tuesday as well as Wednesday.  


Lea Green 

You will also get the opportunity to go on your very first Residential Trip to Lea Green. From what I can see on their web page -,  it sounds amazing and can't wait to go with you all.




Your child will complete a weekly spelling test. Spellings will be given to your child on Friday and are tested on these a week later. If your child is absent on a Friday, they will need to obtain the information as soon as they return to school.


In addition to this, your child will also receive weekly SPAG (Spelling & Grammar) or reading comprehension homework and maths homework, based upon the learning objectives taught during that week. Homework is due on the Thursday after it is sent out. We expect all children to read at least five times a week and record this in their reading record which we request is signed by an adult.  Your child will complete Accelerated Reader quizzes in school once they have read a book.  This will be monitored by your child’s class teacher.

During the week, Mrs Winson-Bushy will teach the class French on Thursday afternoons and Mrs Paine will be teaching a lesson on Friday mornings.


If you would like to contact me regarding any issues, please use the Contact Form below. 

Mrs Newton
