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Updated term dates for school year 21-22

We originally published our term dates for school year 2021/2022 last year. However, last month the Department for Education have shared that in school year 21/22 all schools have been asked to close for an extra day. CLICK HERE


In summary schools have been told to add an extra school closure day on account of the extra bank holiday for the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty the Queen. Everyone in the UK will now have 9 Bank holidays in 2022 instead of the normal 8. 


In conjunction with Belper Secondary school we can share that St. John's will now be closed on Wednesday 22nd December 2021. Children will now break up for Christmas on Tuesday 21st December 2021 at 3.30pm. 


We have updated our term dates and uploaded them onto our website.

Term dates 2021-2022 version 2 - CLICK HERE

School Calendar and dates information - CLICK HERE
