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Year 4 music lessons

One of the unfortunate impacts of the partial school closure and COVID-19 has been that our year four pupils did not get to enjoy a full year of music tuition.


Parents do however have an option of allowing their child to continue with music lessons at St. John's at a small cost as they continue into year 5. 


At. St. John's we work closely with the music partnership who come and provide private 1:1 and small group music lessons to junior children across a range of instruments throughout the year. Normally many of our year 4 pupils opt to continue their music tuition into year 5 and beyond through these private lessons. There is a cost to parents for these lessons starting at £1.50 a week. Children can continue with the instrument they were learning in year 4 or can learn one of many other instruments. 


More information is available on the Year 4 class page. CLICK HERE. 
