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Collective Worship

Updated 24th January 2025

by Mrs M Carvell.

As a Church of England school, we deliver an act of Collective Worship every day.


Our daily Christian Collective Worship at St John’s, to which all staff, children and visitors attend, is the heartbeat of our school. It is unifying and inclusive, recognising the personal integrity of all members of our school community appropriate to the family backgrounds of the pupils and their ages and aptitudes.


Collective Worship plays a central role at St John’s, modelling our Christian ethos and values and proudly demonstrating our church school identity.


It offers everyone an opportunity to worship through engaging in relevant, meaningful experiences and provides opportunities for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. 

Weekly Structure:




Collective Worship is delivered through our four part structure of.....


1. Welcome/Gather

2. Word/Listen

3. Worship/Prayer/Response

4. Witness/Send/Go/Mission


Every half term, we consider a different Christian value using Values For Life

(supported by Roots & Fruits as necessary) as the focus for our collective worship.


There are 18 values in total. 

Do you have something for which you would like us to pray?

Let's join in prayer together

If you have a request for prayer, please send it using this contact form. This request will be sent directly to Mrs Carvell and will be added to our weekly prayers for our community and the world around us.

The children close some acts of Collective Worship by saying and signing the Lord's Prayer.


The Lord's Prayer

Our Father in Heaven

Hallowed be your name

Your Kingdom come

Your will be done

On Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us today our daily bread

And forgive us our sins

As we forgive those who sin against us.

Lead us not into temptation

But deliver us from evil.

For the Kingdom, the power and the glory are yours,

Forever and ever,



Autumn 1: Humility

'All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because

God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.' 

1 Peter 5:5b

WeekWhole School WorshipVisitor

Class Worship


Year Group Worship

Welcome Back

New Beginnings


Showing humility

by serving others


Brother, SIster let

me serve you


International Day of Democracy

3Humility to seek helpRev.Anne

Being able to

ask for help


International Day of Peace

4Humility to take advice 

Being thankful for

guidance and advice

Mutual Respect

National Teaching Assistant Day

5Living a humble LifeOpen the BibleWorld Animal DayRule of Law
6Learning humility 

Aesop's Fables

The Hare and the Tortoise

Individual Liberty

World Homeless Day

World Mental Health Day


Showing humility by

helping others

Open the BibleWorld Food Day

Year 3

Harvest Festival




Scott Lane School


What have we

learnt this term

about humility?





Autumn 2: Generosity

'Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly,

or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.'

2 Corinthians 9:7 KJV  



Whole School



Class Worship


Year Group


The Big





Rev. Allen

What can you be

generous with?

British Values



Should we show respect to



The Joy of

Being Generous


Governor visit

Open the Bible


Odd Socks Day


Is it better to

give or receive?




World Toilet



UK Parliament


How do you respect things?

Giving Time


Rev. AllenSharingSt Andrew's DayWhat makes a good friend?



Open the


Advent 1

Derbyshire Diocese

Advent 2

Derbyshire Diocese

How do you show generosity to others?

Generosity for 

Future Generations


Advent 3

Derbyshire Diocese

Advent 4

Derbyshire Diocese

What makes a person special?

Kolkata -

Scott Lane School

 Generosity Reflection

Carol Singing

What makes Christmas special for you?

Spring 1: Respect & Reverence

“Respect everyone, and love the family of believers. Fear God, and respect the king.”

 1 Peter 2:17



Whole School



Class Worship


Year Group


The Big



Respect & Reverence

for God's Creation


How Great

Thou Art

Spirituality 1

Golden Glue

What is wonderful

about our world?


Respect & Reverence

for Animals



Open the Bible



Spirituality 2

Golden Glue


Are humans more

important than

other animals?


Respect & Reverence

for Sacred Objects

Rev. Allen

Special Objects


Burns Night

Spirituality 3

The 'Wow' Times

What 5 words

best describe



Respect & Reverence

for God


Spirituality 4

The 'Ow' Times


Respect & Reverence

for Others

Open the



Spirituality 5

The 'Now' Times



Scott Lane School







Autumn 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of justice. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Welcome back - Mr. Averis

Justice linked to Kolkata - Mr. Averis

Justice for the poor - Mr. Averis

Harvest Festival - Mr. Averis

Standing up for those who are treated unjustly - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

Making a difference- Mr. Averis

Including others - Mr. Averis

God's justice - Reverend Anne


Those who seek the LORD understand justice fully - Proverbs 28:5


Summer 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of forgiveness. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Forgiveness linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Saying sorry and being forgiven - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

Being forgiven and starting again - Reverend Anne

Amazing Grace-a story of forgiveness - Mr. Averis

Mental Health - changes including transition - Mental Health Support Team (visitors)

Global Education - KS2 children led by Mrs Higgs

Forgive us our sins - Mr. Averis


Forgive as the Lord forgave you - Colossians 3:13


Summer 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of trust. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Trust linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Having trust in others - Reverend Anne

Trustworthiness - Mr. Averis

Trusting that God can use us - Class teachers

Trusting God when the going gets tough - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

Global Education - KS2 children led by Mrs Higgs


Trust in the LORD with all your heart - Proverbs 3:5


Spring 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of peace. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Peace linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Peaceful places - Reverend Anne

Prince of peace - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

Living at peace with the world - Mr. Averis

Global Education - KS2 children led by Mrs Higgs


Blessed are the Peacemakers - Matthew 5:9


Spring 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of creativity. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Creativity linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

An artist's eye on creation - Mr. Averis

Global Education - KS2 children led by Mrs Higgs

Carers of creation - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

The miracle of creation - Mr. Averis

Using our senses to enjoy creation - Reverend Anne


In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1



Autumn 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of courage. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Courage linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Encouraging others - Mr. Averis

Facing our fears with courage - Reverend Anne

Facing bullies with courage - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

The courage to stand firm - Mr. Averis

Courage to make the first move - Mr. Averis

Global Education - KS2 children led by Mrs Higgs

Christmas -  a time to give - Mr. Averis


Be strong and of good courage…for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you - Deuteronomy 31:6


Autumn 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of responsibility. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Welcome back and responsibility linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Taking responsibility for what we say - Mr. Averis

Taking responsibility for our time - Mr. Averis

Taking responsibility for managing our anger - Emma and Abby from Valley CIDs

Using our gifts responsibly - Mr. Averis

Taking responsibility for our family members - Mr. Averis

Global Learning - The Global Citizens club led by Mrs Higgs


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart - it is the Lord Christ you are serving - Colossians 3:23-24


Summer 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of service. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Service linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Sacrificial service - Mr. Averis

A queen serves her people - Mr. Averis

Awards for service - Mr. Averis

Courageous service - Mr. Averis

Serving the local community - Emma from Valley CIDs

Global Learning - The Global Citizens club led by Mrs Higgs


Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing - Psalms 100:2


Summer 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of perseverance. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Perseverance linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Persevering with the truth - Mr. Averis

Persevering to finish the job - Individual class teachers

Persevering to the end - Mr. Averis

Global Learning - The Global Citizens club led by Mrs Higgs


Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us - Hebrews 12:1


Spring 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of wisdom. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Wisdom linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Wisdom from the Tree of Life - Mr. Averis

The wisdom of building on secure foundations - Sue from ValleyCids

Learning wisdom from our parents - Reverend Anne

The true mother (linked with Mothers' Day) - Mr. Averis

Global Learning - The Global Citizens club led by Mrs Higgs


He who holds his tongue is wise - Proverbs 10:19

Respect and Reverence

Spring 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of respect and reverence. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Respect linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Respect & reverence for God's creation - Sue from Valley CIDs

Respect & reverence for animals - Mr. Averis

Respect & reverence for sacred objects - Reverend Anne

Respect & reverence for God - Mr. Averis

Global Learning - The Global Citizens club led by Mrs Higgs


Show proper respect to everyone - 1 Peter 2:17



Autumn 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of generosity. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Generosity linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Unconditional Generosity - Mr. Averis

The Joy of Being Generous - Sue from Valley CIDs

Giving Time Generously - Mr. Averis

Giving Generously - Mr. Averis

Generosity for Future Generations - Reverend Anne

Generosity at Christmas - Mr. Averis

Searching for the Truth  - Mr. Averis


A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed - Proverbs 11:25


Autumn 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of truthfulness. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Welcome Back! - Mr. Averis

Truthfulness linked with Kolkata - a Global Issue - Mr. Averis

Truth and Deception - Mr. Averis

Choosing the Truth - Mr. Averis

Standing for the Truth - Mr. Averis

Harvest festival - Mr. Averis

Seeing the Truth - Reverend Anne

Searching for the Truth  - Mr. Averis


The one...who speaks the truth from their heart...will never be shaken - Psalm 15 v 2-5


Summer 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of hope. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Jesus is the Hope of the World - Class teachers

The Rainbow - a symbol of hope - Mr. Averis

Planting Hope - Takeover Team

Hope for the future - Mr. Averis

Bringing Hope to Others - Mr. Averis

Pushing Through - Mr. Averis

Hopeful Holidays  - Mr. Averis


Joshua said to them, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Be strong and courageous.” Joshua 10:25


Summer 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of humility. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Showing humility by serving others - Mr. Averis

Humility to seek help - Mr. Averis

Humility to take advice - Mr. Averis

Living a humble life - Mr. Averis

Mental Health Awareness Week - Mrs. Winson-Bushby and friends

Learning humility - Mr. Averis

Living for others - Mr. Averis


Humble yourselves before the Lord, and He will lift you up - James 4 v 10


Spring 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of friendship. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Friendship in Good Times and Bad- Mr. Averis

Friendship, the Greatest Treasure- Mr. Averis

Friends Again- Mr. Averis

Friends in Trouble- Mr. Averis

Trusting our Friends- Mr. Averis


A friend loves at all times - Proverbs 17:17



Spring 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of compassion. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

God's compassion for his people - Mr. Averis

Showing compassion to others by sharing- Mr. Averis

Compassion for the elderly - Mr. Averis

Compassion for neighbours in need- Mr. Averis

Compassion for the poor - Mr. Averis

Compassion and mental health- Mrs Winson-Bushby and friends


The Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness - Exodus 34:6



Autumn 2: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of thankfulness. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Remembering to say thank you - Mr. Averis

Saying Grace- Mr. Averis

Extravagant thanks - Mr. Averis

Creation praise- Mr. Averis

Christian Aid - Mrs Robinson and friends

Counting your blessings- Mr. Averis

Thankful for the good news- Mr. Averis


In all things, give thanks - 1 Thessalonians 5:18


Autumn 1: This half-term, the children are learning about the value of justice. Here is an overview of each week's topic and leader:

Welcome back - Mr. Averis

Justice for the poor - Mr. Averis

Standing up for those who are treated unjustly - Mr. Averis

Making a difference- Mr. Averis

Including others - Mr. Averis

Making wise decisions - Mr. Averis

God's justice - Mr. Averis

Keeping God's rules - Mr. Averis


Our purpose is to do what is right, not only in the sight of the Lord, but also in the sight of one another - 2 Corinthian 8:21
