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Financial Information

Financial Information


The Senior Leadership Team have day to day responsibility for the school's finances. They provide

  • detailed reports three times a year to the governing body that shows the current financial position and the predicted financial position for future years.
  • an annual financial audit known as the Schools Financial Value Standard (SFVS) to governors once a year, which is then sent to the Department for Education. 
  • a proposed annual budget every spring to governors for the next financial year
  • benchmarking reports to governors that allow governors to see what money St. John's spends compared to other schools both locally and nationally. 
  • No employees earn over £100,000 annually. 


The full governing body has delegated many financial duties to the Finance and Resources committee. This committee along with the full governing body have responsibility for monitoring the finance reports and ratifying the SFVS and annual spring budget. 


Parents are invited to review our school's finances and compare them with other schools. CLICK HERE. 


Parents are invited to see how we spend our annual pupil premium and annual sport premium

Pupil Premium - CLICK HERE

Sport premium - CLICK HERE
