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School dinners & free school meals

This section contains information about our school meals, a menu of what the kitchen is serving and information about free school meals.

We are proud to have Derbyshire catering cook all of our school meals in our own school kitchen. Thousands of children across Derbyshire have their school meal cooked by Derbyshire catering every day. To find out more go to their catering web site where you will find contact details and information about how to register for free school meals.


To help families, some children have a school meal on some days of the week and bring sandwiches from home for other days of the week. If your child is doing this it is important that they remember to let their teacher know what they are having at morning registration when class teachers take the dinner register. 


From 1st September 2023 Derbyshire catering will charge £3.25 a day or £16.25 per week. 

All meals for children in reception, year one and year two are free for children.


We are a cashless school. Families that pay for their children's meals do so electronically using Parent Pay. If you need support with your Parent Pay account please contact the school office. 


More information about school dinners at St. John's can be found in our dinner money policy. CLICK HERE

What's on the menu today?

To find out what our kitchen is cooking on any individual day please go to the Derbyshire, standard menu, meal link, CLICK HERE. Please do note however that their are occasions where we have to cook and prepare slightly different food to what is published here.

The link below will take you straight to Derbyshire's menu for our school. 

Free school meal information for parents

Pupil Premium Free School Meals

Many of our parents are able to receive Pupil Premium funded free school meals for their children. This means that they receive a free meal every day in school and St. John's get some extra money to help them in the classroom.

If you believe you may be entitled to Pupil Premium Free school meals, you are able to either - 

  • Check on the Derbyshire website to see if you are eligible CLICK HERE. 
  • Ring the office and speak to Mrs. Howis or Mrs Wragg who will be able to help you. 01773 822995


Universal Infant Free School Meals

All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 get a universal infant free school meal. There is no need to apply for these. Your child will automatically get one every day, unless you choose to send them to school with a packed lunch. 

School does not get any extra money for this to help in classrooms. 
