Updated 10th January 2025
by Mrs M Carvell
On this page, you will find important information about how we work to
keep your child/children safe.
You will also find information on how we can help you should you need support, and
resources on a range of subjects that we hope will help you at home if needed.
All parents should be aware that the staff at St. John's are required to take reasonable action
to ensure the safety of our pupils. In cases where staff believe that a child may be subject to
ill-treatment, neglect or other forms of abuse we will follow the procedures established by
the Local Authority and The Safeguarding Partnership.
Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead &
Senior Mental Health & Wellbeing lead:
Mrs Carvell
Headteacher & Designated Safeguarding Lead:
Mr Averis
Designated Safeguarding Governor:
Miss Grime
Medical & Welfare Assistant:
Mrs Cooper
Designated Teacher for Looked after Children:
Mrs Richardson
Miss Cooper
Designated Mental Health & Wellbeing Governor:
Mr Turvey
Tel: 01773 822995
Alternatively, if you have a safeguarding concern, you can use the contact form below:
Use this contact form to contact Mrs Carvell (DHT/DSL) with any questions or concerns you have regarding safeguarding at St. John's. All messages sent via this form are confidential and can only be seen, in the first instance, by Mrs. Carvell.
Department for Education Documents
Keeping Children Safe in Education (CLICK HERE)
Working Together to Safeguard Children (CLICK HERE)
Prevent Duty Guidance (CLICK HERE)
Derbyshire Website Links
Derby and Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (CLICK HERE)
Call Derbyshire: Significant, Immediate Safeguarding Concerns (CLICK HERE)
School Documents
Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (CLICK HERE)
Child-Friendly Safeguarding Policy (CLICK HERE)
Child Protection Addendum 2023 (CLICK HERE)
Key summaries of the policy are highlighted below.
Safeguarding arrangements at St. John’s are underpinned by three key principles:
1. Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility: all Staff, Governors and Volunteers should play
their full part in keeping children safe. Volunteers and visitors are asked to read a copy of our
'Volunteer and visitor handbook' before entering St. John's.
2. That we operate a child-centred approach: a clear understanding of the needs, wishes,
views and voices of children.
3. That all Staff, Governors and Volunteers have a clear understanding regarding abuse and
neglect in all forms including how to identify, respond and report. This also includes knowledge
of the process for allegations against professionals. Staff, Governors and Volunteers feel
confident that they can report all matters of safeguarding children in the school where the
information will be dealt with swiftly and securely, following the correct procedures with the
safety and well-being of the children in mind at all times.
All staff and governors receive annual level one safeguarding training and have been trained in how
to work within the Prevent Agenda.
All staff and governors have read and understood KCSIE (at least part one).
We have a safeguarding notice board in the staffroom and up to date legislative safeguarding
material stored for easy reference for all staff in school and on our server.
DBS checks are carried out on adults that work or volunteer at St. John's,
in accordance with national and local advice and legislation.
If you wish to volunteer at St. John's you may need to have a DBS check completed.
CLICK HERE for information about what a DBS check is and CLICK HERE for a list of the
types of identification we will need to see to carry out a check. A confidential list, our single
central record, of all volunteers and staff that work or visit St. John's is securely kept in school.
What is Early Help?
Early help, also known as early intervention, is support given to a family when a problem
first emerges. It can be provided at any stage in a child or young person's life.
At St John's we work to provide Early Help for those children and families with emerging needs.
We work alongside a range of agencies to provide support through the school setting. The main objective of Early Help is to prevent escalation to higher level services.
We understand just how complicated family life can be. From time to time, there may
be situations or circumstances where you need some extra help and support.
Early Help…
A request for Early Help:
Please call school and ask to speak with Mrs Cooper (Medical & Welfare Assistant) or
Mrs Carvell (Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead) to discuss your needs.
01773 822995
Support for families and early help
(Click on the picture to be directed to the Derbyshire website for further information)
Need support or resources?
The links below may help to support you without the need for school involvement:
Click on each logo below for more information
Support for families and early help
Local Council Services
Benefits Information & Guidance
Housing Support
Further resources and guidance
Click the links below to go to the website:
NSPCC Safeguarding Information Page
Compass Changing Lives
Mental Health Support Team
We work closely with Compass Changing Lives Mental Health Support Team and since beginning our
work with them they have provided 1:1 support, parent support/programmes, assemblies,
workshops and staff training focussed on different aspects of mental health and wellbeing.
Mrs Carvell has link meetings with the team every half term to identify potential areas of need and to discuss referrals to support children and parents.
To find out more or to make a request for support from the team please click on the image below which will take you directly to their service.
Derbyshire School Nursing Team
The Derbyshire School Nursing Team work with schools to support 5 - 19 year olds and their families.
As well as general health and development, they offer advice and support around diet, activity and body image, eating disorders, emotional health and wellbeing, continence and incontinence, behaviour, relationships (including forced marriage), exam stress, dental health, sexual health, self harm,
drugs and alcohol and stopping smoking.
If you feel your child/you may benefit from the support of the school nursing team please contact Mrs Cooper our medical & Welfare assistant or you can click on the image below to go to the service directly.
Build Sound Minds
Are you a parent looking for support?
Do you have a child or are you a family struggling at the moment?
Take a look at what Build Sound Minds can offer and if it meets your needs.
If you feel Build Sound Minds might be able to help use the parent referral form through the link below
Tree Tops Therapy
A referral to Treetops Therapy can be useful, if a child:
The Household Support Fund and Activity Programme
Fix Your Bike Voucher Scheme - no longer available