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Welcome to our anti-bullying page

St John's prides itself on being a safe, happy and fun place to be where we have a caring approach and where bullying will not be tolerated.



1. Helping you to understand what bullying is.

2. Teaching you what to do if you feel like you are being bullied, or if someone else is being bullied.

3. Reminding you of the trusted adults you can speak to.

4. Being there to help and support you, to make things better.


Sometimes we don’t know if something is making you sad and unhappy, so you need to tell us.


It is really important to understand clearly what bullying is.


Bullying is not....

when someone says something nasty or when two people fall out or someone gets hurt by accident.


Bullying is...

when someone is hurting another person several times on purpose.

If you believe your child may be being bullied at school it is important for you to contact the school

office via telephone or email for the attention of the class teacher and/or Mrs Girling requesting

them to contact you regarding a bullying concern.


Tel: 01773 822995



The class teacher and/or Mrs Girling will work to resolve this following the procedure

set out in the anti-bullying policy.


However, if following this you do not feel that this has been resolved you

should contact the phase lead, as above, for further support.


EYFS (Nursery/EYFS 2): Mrs J Richardson

KS1 (Y1/Y2): Mrs k Heer

LKS2 (Y3/Y4): Mrs S Newton

UKS2 (Y5/Y6): Miss C Cooper


Anti-bullying lead:

Mrs D Girling


Child Wellbeing lead:

Mrs E Wojcik


Deputy Headteacher, Designated Safeguarding Lead

& Senior Mental Health & Wellbeing Lead:

Mrs M Carvell



Governor for Anti-bullying:

Mrs P Atkinson-Gregory
