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Children's safety

At St. John's every adult works hard to make sure you are safe and happy.


St. John's staff with special children's safety jobs:


  • Mrs Carvell is in charge of safeguarding and is also our Deputy Headteacher. This means that she is in charge of helping all children feel safe and happy and will help you solve a problem with anyone. She makes sure that all the adults at school know how to keep you safe and know what to do if you talk to them about a problem. 
  • Miss Walker is your online safety leader, she works with Mrs Carvell to keep you safe online.
  • Mrs Girling is your anti-bullying leader, she works hard to help you to feel happy and safe and to stop bullying in school.
  • Miss Grime is one of your governors. She doesn't work at the school but she helps make sure that the school is doing everything it can to keep children safe and happy.
  • Mr Averis is your headteacher. He makes sure that all the adults at school know what to do if you talk to them about a problem, because any adult can help.


If you are unhappy because someone is hurting or scaring you or if you are worried about something online, or you are sad about something someone is doing to someone else you need to

tell a trusted adult.



Click on the link below to go to our Anti-Bullying page for children and adults.

Online Safety


1. Tell an adult. The sooner you tell an adult the easier it will be to help. Your mummy and daddy or any teacher at school will be able to help you.


2. Click on the Report Abuse button. This is really, really safe way for you to tell the police that someone has done something naughty online. The police who will help you are CEOP police who specialise in child protection online.




3. Use the form below to contact school to report online abuse. You need to type in your name and email address below and an adult at school will get a message and will be able to help you.

Online help at St. John's Primary School

You need to add your name and email address to this form and then type in a little bit about what you are worried or upset about. Mr. Averis or Mrs. Carvell will then get the message and they will be able to help you.

Using the internet properly


Before you write anything on a computer or phone or post anything on a social media site you need to THINK about what you are doing. The picture below will help you THINK about how to be safe and happy when using the computer.

