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Starting in Nursery

(Early Years Foundation Stage 1 - EYFS 1)

A very warm welcome to St. John's CE Primary School and Nursery

The video below was filmed in 2021 when COVID restrictions meant we couldn't welcome visitors to school. We now warmly welcome new families who want to come to our nursery to contact school and book an appointment to come and look around. Until we see you, we hope that the video still helps to give an idea of what our school is about. 

We are proud of our Nursery at St John's, so please scroll down and click on the links to enjoy finding out more about what we do

and for the key information you need


This page has all the information parents and families may need to help them find out about our nursery, which we hope is especially useful if you are considering enrolling your child with us.


We have a dedicated 'All about Us' page and Mrs Gallon, our nursery teacher, posts pictures and up to date information about what is happening in the nursery right now on a fun class page.

The class page is intended to be for families that already have children enrolled with us and

want to find out about what we do every day.


We have parent guide and nursery prospectus below to inform parents of what our nursery is all about and help parents choose which nursery is best for them. Our nursery offers - 

  • Mrs. Gallen is our full time fully qualified early years teacher. Mrs. Grigoriu is a fully qualified teaching and learning assistant. Both staff work in the nursery all week supporting and helping your children. 
  • A purpose built nursery with modern indoor and outdoor areas. 
  • A maximum group size of 23 children, meaning that your child gets all the attention and help they need. 
  • A focus on preparing children for school and working through the Early Years curriculum in line with our reception teachers.


Please note that this prospectus is for school year 2021/2022. From September 2022 children will be able to stay at our nursery for 30 hours a week. Information about this can be found in our Nursery admissions policy for September 2022. 

Open sessions for you to come and see our nursery to

help with applications


We run regular tours when parents are invited to come and have a look at our nursery, whilst it is open. You are welcome to bring your pre-school child with you. They will be able to play with the equipment and make some new friends in our nursery. We will also spend some of the tour looking at the reception and other classes of St. John's. Please ring school to let us know you would like arrange a visit.






Click on the link below to visit this dedicated page to find out all about our vision, our values and the wonderful and rich experience

we are passionate about providing for all children


(Click this link to go to this page)

From September 2022 children will be able to attend our nursery for up to 30 hours a week and stay all day from 8.45am to 3.15pm.


If you would like your child to join our nursery you will need to apply for a place. Below you will find links to our nursery admissions policy and blank application forms.

Our nursery application form is below.


For other nursery policies including our Admission, EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage), Intimate care and Food and Drink policy are found in the policies and paperwork section of this website.

Application forms can be submitted by....


  • Nursery admissions, St. John's CE Primary School, Laund Nook, Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 1GY



or alternatively,

  • hand delivered to the school office


This table shows the date your child will be able to join us depending on their date of birth. CLICK HERE.

Applications can be made up to two years in advance of starting.


Once you child is coming to our nursery you may want to increase the number of sessions or alter the times of the sessions that they attend. We will always try to accommodate these requests but all changes are subject to availability of places and school resources. We will also have to consider future applications for places that have been made with regards to our admissions policy.


Please complete and return the request form below to let us know of any changes you would like to make.

Contact form for all enquiries regarding St. John's Nursery

Please use this contact form to get in touch with the school with any questions or comments regarding the nursery unit.
