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PTFA achievements



Since taking over in October 2022, your PTFA has funded all of the below which you will find on the above sunflower poster.


We have started with the TT Rock competition prizes along with the loose coin challenge prizes, which took place last year, as well as funding the annual cinema trip to the Ritz in Belper for years 1-6, the children really looked forward this annual treat.

Not forgetting our younger ones in nursery and reception, they were treated to some special presents which were hand delivered by Santa himself, whilst the older ones enjoyed the cinema trip.


All the chocolate treats, that were handed out at both infant and junior Christmas discos by Santa when the children were leaving the discos, were also funded by your PTFA.


Bringing us into 2023, 

The reception children will be looking forward to the traditional Living Eggs project, to where they get to experience the hatching of the chicks in their classrooms.


The refill of the caterpillars in nursery, is another project that the children are looking forward too, where they  get to see the caterpillars grow and evolve into beautiful butterflies, both of these events have been funded by your PTFA.


Making the transition from nursery into reception, each child from nursery will be given a book to help them with their new chapter in reception.


All new 2023/2024 reception starters will be given a special teddy bear keyring that will attach to their book bags to help them ease into the new September term.


Each class within school  ( 18 classes at present) will be given a book, this will benefit all the children in the school and we are looking forward to seeing these in school very soon.


Your PTFA has  also funded £800 towards the year 6 leavers prom, which is being planned for by the year 6 parents / carers to  be held in July of 2023.


St John's PTFA Belper are proud to have been able to fund all these events and requests, which will benefit all the children of St John's, there are some more request in the pipeline to which we will share these from April - July , in a post later on in the term.


We are very grateful and appreciate all the support that we have been given and for all your future support , these events and funding cannot happen without your continued support, so a massive thank you to you all.

Next time you see a teddy bear keyring on a reception starters bag or your child tells you about a new book in their class, Smile and think we helped to fund that teddy or book.















What your PTFA has achieved so far,

Oct 2022 - December 2022!


The poster gives a break down of what your PTFA has achieved so far with their planned events and fundraising efforts, since the start of their PTFA  journey.


These events have been very well supported and we would like to thank you for your continued support, without the help of the volunteers and helpers these events wouldn't be able to take place.


Below are some of the other events , that the PTFA have also funded  with since Oct 2022.

-Prizes for the TT Rock Star competition and the winners of the loose coin change challenge.

-Santa Treats for the Christmas disco 2022.

-Santa visit to Nursery & Reception children, to deliver Christmas treats. 

-Cinema trip for years 1 to year 6.


















As a new team Coral, Jo and Rebekah would like to thank the outgoing team of Nicola, Zoe and Barbara for all their past fundraising efforts, resulting in £10,000 being donated to the school towards the improvement of the outdoor bark area.


We have booked a disco in for December with the final details to be released very soon so watch this space, and keep an eye out also on the PTFA-run Facebook page - St John's PTFA Belper.


Further events are in the pipeline for 2023 - more details to follow...


Our achievements – How PTFA funds have been spent 2018/19.


The PTFA works hard to support the school, and fundraising is a key part of this. Take a look at a few examples of the projects that have been funded this academic year! Hopefully this will inspire you to really get behind our activities. We are very proud to show you what we've been able to achieve!


To date this year 2018/19, PTFA funds have helped with:


  • New Parents Welcome Evening
  • Presents from Santa
  • A Christmas treat for Reception classes
  • Ritz Cinema Christmas treat for Yr1-6
  • Maths Timetable boards, that can be seen on Yr 3 & 5 bungalow blocks
  • Christmas books for the Nursery children
  • Heage Band who played at the Christmas Carol concert on 17th Dec
  • Easter Drama Show – on Friday 12th April, the children will watch an Easter play
  • Living Eggs project for Reception children, which they will take part in later this spring
  • Year 6 Prom 2019
  • Summer treat - the children will enjoy a musical summer treat
  • Scooter park - this Spring will see the scooter park completed for up to 60 scooters to be safety left at school. A great way to get the children to scooter to school and back!
  • Clock in playground - a request from the school council to have a clock in the playground, which is a great suggestion, so the PTFA have agreed to fund!
  • Resources for midday supervising team - to enable them to keep the children entertained over the lunch period.
Just a few tasters below of how PTFA money has been spent this year and previous years!