Hello and happy weekend!
I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Tomorrow will see us using GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all our home learning from now on. We are aiming to set approximately 4 hours of work each day for the children at home and can't wait to see what they get up to.
Please ensure children are 'turning in' their work as teachers will be keeping a record of each child's engagement with home learning.
We will also aim to let you know when lessons are taking place in school so, if you wish, your child could do the same lesson at the same time at home to make it feel more normal. We could even interact via Google Classroom while the lesson is taking place
As always, please get in touch with your child's class teacher should you have any questions or queries. You can either message us via the contact forms on the school website or on Google Classroom.
We will respond to messages, emails and the children's online learning as soon as possible, around our classroom teaching responsibilities. Once again, thank you for your continued support during these difficult times. Together, we can do this!
All the best,
Mr Hallam
Morning everyone and happy Friday! We hope you are all well and staying safe at home. We have been having a nice week in school with those children who are in but we most certainly miss you all and can't wait for you all to be back soon!
As you may be aware, we will be moving to using GOOGLE CLASSROOM for all home learning on Monday. We will be posting work (assignments) for the children to complete. This work can be sent back to the class teacher via the 'turn it in' button.
We are choosing to move to this format of home learning for many reasons:
1. It is much more interactive
2. The children can communicate much easier with their class teacher
3. We can give feedback on the children's learning
4. We can support families much easier during this difficult time
5. We will be keeping a record of who is engaging with home learning each day
6. We may post times of certain lessons taking place in school so the children at home could join in at the same time - making it feel much more like the class is altogether!
Therefore, please ensure you are logged in and sorted on Google Classroom before the weekend begins, that way we can iron out any issues and ensure it is working for all children at home and in school. If you are having any issues, please contact your child's teacher via the contact form on the website or in a message on Google Classroom. Please rest assured we will do everything we can to support you at home, as quickly as possible, between teaching the children in school.
Thank you for all your hard work, continued support and patience during this strange, difficult and ever-changing time.
Best wishes and stay safe,
Mr Hallam
PS. TIP - If you are using a tablet/iPad for Google Classroom, downloading certain apps might help make it easier than using safari/internet explorer (apps such as Google Classroom, Google Docs etc.)
Good morning everyone,
We hope you are all okay and safe at home! We are sorry that we couldn't see everyone in school today but we can't wait to see everybody back as soon as possible
For now, all of your home learning work and resources will be on the school website. There will be Maths and English every day and some afternoon activities too, such as Project, RE, PE and PSHE etc. You are still going to be doing the same work you would have been doing if you were in school, which is great and means we still get to delve into our Blue Abyss Project together.
We may use Google Classrooms for our home learning in the future. If we do decide to use this, we will be sure to inform you all, help you login and help you get to grips with using it. However, if you have your login info (in your Reading Record), try and login and join your class! Some of you already have too...superstars!
If at any point you need any help with any work, any support, want to send over some work or pictures of what you are up to, please do so...we can't wait to hear from you! Contact your teacher via the contact forms on the home learning page or your class page.
We already miss you all lots but stay safe and speak soon,
Mr Hallam and Mrs Robinson