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Dear Parents,
We wish you all a Happy and safe New Year.
The activities this half term are focussed around our topic:
Heroes, Heroines and Villains
Please click on the weekly link to access your child's homework in Literacy and Maths. We look forward to welcoming your child back to school soon.
Autumn 1 2020
Dear Parents,
The activities this half term are focussed around our topic of I am Special. Please click on the weekly link for ideas and suggestions to support your child's learning and development in Literacy and Maths. We look forward to welcoming your child back to school soon.
Autumn 2 2020
Dear Parents,
The activities this half term are focussed around our topic of Our Colourful World. Please click on the weekly link for ideas and suggestions to support your child's learning and development in Literacy and Maths. We look forward to welcoming your child back to school soon.