EYFS Lead:
Mrs Carvell
(Deputy Headteacher)
Class Teachers:
Mrs Christie Mrs Badhan
Miss Fox Miss Bailey Mrs Lewis
Find out about what's happening in your child's class.....
(2020 - 2021)
Here are the project titles we cover in
Early Years Foundation Stage this academic year:
Spring 1 2021
Home Learning
Dear Parents,
Unfortunately we understand that some parents are having difficulties with logging into Tapestry to access Home Learning. Hopefully these issues will be resolved soon. In the meantime; please look at the school website Reception Home Learning for ideas and support with your child's learning. Phonics play is a great free resource to help with reading. Mr Thorne Does Phonics is another useful tool. In addition, BBC bite size, KS1, English has a video for each sound. Thank you for your patience.
Mrs Badhan and Mrs Christie
If you would like more ideas, in addition to the Literacy and Maths work we have set for the week please also look on the Reception class page on the school website.
The ’Useful Links’ page gives many useful websites, which should help for all areas of learning.
Also, have a look in the ‘Resources’ page for ideas for specific subjects- phonics, reading, writing and maths.