Dear Parents,
You will have noticed that your child came home with a green book last Friday. These books are specifically for Home School Learning. In the event your child/family member is isolating, please follow the Home School Learning link on the Reception web page to access the daily homework set. They do not need to do homework if they are absent due to any other reason.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Mrs Badhan and Mrs Christie
Week Commencing 28th September 2020
The children will be getting changed for PE, starting from next week. So, please make sure your child has their PE kit in school. Reception children will be keeping their PE bags in school and not taking them home at the end of the day.
Part of the Early Year’s Curriculum is for children to become independent and be able to dress and undress themselves. It would be really helpful if you could help your child learn to dress and undress themselves.
On Monday your child will bring home a phonics book, with words in, using some of the sounds we have learnt so far. Please help your child sound out the words and have a go at reading them. If they don’t recognize the sounds then you can sound them out and see if they can hear the word. This is called oral blending. They still need to practice book conventions e.g. turning the pages, talking about the pictures, telling the story, predicting what might happen next.
On Friday your child will have a ‘choosing book’. These books are not phonic based so you will be sharing these books with your child, reading it to them and seeing if they can join in. They often have a repetitive structure so your child should be able to join in with the pattern of the words. They can look out for any letters they recognize and also practice book conventions.
It is such a special time of the day sharing a book with your child.
Please don’t forget to sign their reading record book when you have read with them.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Christie and Mrs Badhan
Tapestry, our online learning journals, are now up and running so you can see what your child is learning in school.
If you have not received an email - check your junk emails - then let your child's class teacher know. Everyone should have received an email on 14.9.20.