This information was added on Monday 24th August at 4.15pm
Following our letter to all new parents in May 2020 when we shared details of how we will be helping your children settle into St. John’s next month we hope that the following information is useful. We have unfortunately had to make some changes as we respond to government advice on staying safe.
Wednesday 2nd September visits to school – stay and play session.
As many children have not had the opportunity to come to see the school’s new classrooms all parents have been invited to bring their child to school to one of five stay and play sessions. At these sessions you will be invited to meet the teachers and ask any questions, and your child will be able to meet some of their new friends.
To keep numbers of visitors to a minimum at any one time, the letter you received in May had the times of the stay and play session that you were invited to. It is important that you come to the correct session.
Session 1 - 9.30am to 10.30am
Session 2- 10.30am to 11.30am
Session 3 - 11.30am to 12.30pm
Session 4 - 1.15pm to 2.15pm
Session 5 - 2.15pm to 3.15pm
To help keep all staff and children safe in these sessions the following measures are in place.
Wednesday 2nd September welcome evening
Unfortunately we are not able to have our welcome evening at 6pm as we would not be able to maintain safe social distancing.
On Wednesday Mr. Averis, our headteacher, and Mrs. Carvell our deputy headteacher will be welcoming parents, carers and children as they arrive for their stay and play sessions and will be giving our information that we would have shared at the open evening.
Thursday 3rd September to Tuesday 8th September – half days at school
On these four days children have been invited to school for half days and to attend either a morning or afternoon session.
The letter in May let you know if your child was a morning or afternoon child. These four half days will help your child get used to their new classroom with fewer other children. This means that our staff will be able to give them more individual time to help them settle.
On Thursday 3rd September both parents or carers are able to bring your child to school. For all other days children are only allowed to come to school with one parent or carer to help us maintain safe social distancing.
Wednesday 9th September – first full day
As well as enjoying their first full day at school today your children will also have their first school dinner. All children need to come to school at 9.05am and will finish at 3.30pm.