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Friday 17th January 2025


An emotional day today knowing that it is my last teaching day at Scott Lane School.

We walked to CRS to meet our drivers, I gave him a gift to say thank you for taking me to school everyday down the very narrow and busy streets.

We started the day singing songs and using the claves and egg shakers. The children’s English is amazing compared to the few words of Bengali I have picked up. 

Today I wanted to show the teachers how to use numicon to teach maths. We use this all the time in reception and it helps the children visualise the number. We also learnt colour names using the pieces. 

I first let the groups of children play with the numicon and recognise the numbers. We matched numbers to numicon pieces, had a game of bingo and then used it to complete simple addition (‘jug’ in Bengali) problems. 

The children who then completed this task turned their paper over and created their own addition sentences by choosing two pieces. 

It was then time for tiffin and today it was a hard boiled egg and a banana.

After tiffin the children sang songs to me, gave me homemade gifts and we danced. Indrani asked me to dance with her and the children so I tried my best to follow her moves.

Jayasree the headteacher spent the day with us. I had taken out some of the glass soap dishes I had made with soap I had bought from Cromford Mill as gifts for the three teachers and the headteacher, Jayasree.

On our way back to Bishops inn we visited another project where Mr Wilde a headteacher from a Derbyshire school was based this week. The school meets underneath a flyover. 

The children who attend also live under the flyover. In the video you will see photographs of this community, their washroom, kitchen and school. There is no running water or electricity so when it gets dark they go to sleep. When it gets light, they wake up. 

The children were excited to show us around and show us the new puppies.The mums wanted to show us the sewing they had done to make new clothes for their families. 

It made me feel sad, angry and frustrated all at the same time while I was looking around. We have so much and these families have so little but they were proud to show us the things they do have.

When we got back we all met to talk about sports day as I was overseeing this event this year. It should be an exciting day for the children and great fun to be together once more before we fly home.

I am finishing this and will then be trying to link up with you all for the 3pm celebration assembly. It will be 8.30pm here so when we are finished I will be starting to pack my case and getting an early night.


Here are some answers to the questions I set you.

The animal I saw was a mongoose.


The blue and white painting is from two reasons.

  1. They are the president of Kolkata Mataram Banerjee’s favourite colours. The colours also appear in the new emblem of the state of Bengal.
  2. Rig David the director of CRS also told us that they are the colours that Mother Teresa wore. He also worked with her - wow! What an honour.





Still image for this video