Practice your spellings and then give yourself a test.
Let me know how many you get!
Use TTRockstars to practice your times-tables.
Today English is comprehension. This one is called 'The Northern Lights' like our class book.
Read the text and use this to help you answer the questions.
Today we are going to keep solving problems. Use the PowerPoint to refresh you memory and then have a go at the questions.
Working Towards - A
Expected - B
Greater Depth - C
As we can't have someone read out a poem this week I have found one that you might like.
If you have a poem you like feel free to send it to me!
This one is to do with Anti-bullying week.
Whose responsibility it is to prevent or deal with bullying? Does it go beyond school / teachers / children?
Are we all doing everything we can?
What more could we do?
Make a list that you could share in class.
Write down what actions you could take to prevent or respond to bullying.
Remember that the actions you take must not put you in danger.
Think about it:
- In school
- Online
- Outside of school
Think about what makes you unique.
Write down words or symbols that represent your individuality.
We are all unique and by uniting it makes us stronger!
Use the puzzle picture below and design a puzzle piece that shows your individuality.
In the middle of the puzzle, write down an action you would take to stand against bullying. Start with 'I choose...'
This could be something like:
'I choose to be kind and not leave people out at playtime.' or
'I choose to tell an adult if I see someone being bullied.'
Once you have written your statement, design your puzzle piece in your own unique way that celebrates who you are. You could draw symbols of things you enjoy such as hobbies or clubs and use colours and shapes that you like. The choice is yours!
Make sure you make it colourful as we will display these in the classroom when we are back at school!