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Spellings: Each week there will be spellings. You will receive a set of spellings every Friday to learn for the following Friday. You can use your homework book to practise learning your spellings if you want to. 


Maths: Each week there will be Maths homework. This will be set on a Friday and needs to be completed by Thursday. This will be on or occasionally on Google Classroom.


SPaG: Each week there will be SPaG homework. This will be set on a Friday and asked to be returned the following Thursday. This will be on or occasionally on Google Classroom. 


Reading: Reading records will be checked weekly. We expect our Year 4 children to read at least 5 times a week and for this to be signed in their reading records by an adult. 


Project (optional): For each project, there will be a sheet that lists some potential homework ideas. This work can be celebrated in class with the option for the child to give a short presentation towards the end of the project.


Other (optional): Please encourage your child to regularly practise their times tables. This can be done by using TTRockstars. 


If you have any further questions about homework, please contact your child's class teacher.
