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India Club

Every Monday lunchtime since September a group of Year 5 and 6 children have been meeting as part of our newly formed KEW Club.  This is a group that are concerned with issues around Kolkata, Eco/environment and Well-being.  

As part of the preparation for this year’s Kolkata trip the children have learnt how to make bags out of old t-shirts which they sold at the Christmas Fair.  They have made suggestions for displays around school.  Some members went to St Peter’s Church to tell the congregation there what has been happening at school, as the church is very supportive of the Kolkata project.  Since Christmas the KEW Club has been focussing on preparing for this month’s visit.  They have made ‘all about me’ bunting to be taken to Scott Lane, and have prepared and presented an assembly to the whole school updating them on what is happening.


