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Beginning and end of school day

Now that the builders have left, we are able to return to using the normal side gate at the beginning and end of the school day. This means that we won't have to use the car park entrance and children and families will no longer have to walk through the car park to get to school. 


From Monday 16th January, children need to come into school through the side gate next to Mr. Keene's classroom (A3) as we used to do. Children will also leave school through this gate at the end of the day. 


At the beginning of the day, children in years one and three will then be able to go to their classrooms through the first door on the left just after this gate. All other children will then go to their classrooms from the playground. 


At the end of the day all children, including year one and year three children, will be dismissed onto the playground.


All parents are invited onto the playground to pick up and drop off children, however, we encourage junior parents to wait outside the front of school to collect their older children. 


This is also a good opportunity to remind parents to re-enforce the message to children that we give about the end of the day. Please tell your children that if ever they leave school and they can't find an adult at the agreed waiting place then they must come straight back to school, where staff will look after them and ring families. This is especially important for older children, who may meet adults at the park, or further away from school, as parents begin to give their children independence at the end of the day. 
