To let school know of any children testing positive for COVID-19 over the Christmas holidays parents need to complete this form.
This form is no longer available to complete.
Parents are able to complete this form at any time between 3.30pm on Friday 18th December to Sunday 3rd January. It can not be completed at any other time.
We will then be able to use this information to contact any other families that will need to isolate due to contact with the positive case. Mr. Averis will be checking this form daily up to and including Christmas Eve as children that test positive on or before the 24th December may mean that other children and staff need to isolate. Children that test positive on or after Christmas day will not result in Mr. Averis having to contact other St. John's children asking them to isolate.
The name of the child that has tested positive will not be shared with any member of our community.
We hope that any child that tests positive recovers quickly and safely.