Day for Ukraine - Wednesday 16th March 2022
We are looking forward to supporting ‘A Day For Ukraine’ tomorrow on Wednesday 16th March. We apologise for the short notice, but we only received information about it from the Department for Education today. Children will be encouraged to wear blue and yellow to school on Wednesday. Teachers will use the day to continue helping children understand what is happening in Eastern Europe. The day is being organised by First News Education. They have provided some information and resources to help teachers and parents talk to their children. CLICK HERE. We would also encourage families to look at the BBC Newsround website that has a special ‘Newsround’ page that explains what is happening in a manner to help primary children. CLICK HERE.
Please do not send any money to school on Wednesday 16th March.
Friday 18th March is Comic Relief day. On Friday we will allow children to make donations to Comic Relief and or the Ukraine appeal.
Finally please remember that this event, along with every other fund raising event organised by school is not intended to result in parents giving their child some money. We feel it is important to encourage the children to ‘earn’ any pocket money that you or they wish to donate by doing some jobs around the house or for a relative. All charity donations at St. John's are always voluntary and we hope that in encouraging children to ‘earn’ their donations that we help them improve their understanding of supporting others less fortunate.