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Draft school uniform policy - consultation with parents

For many years we have published our school uniform information on our website. CLICK HERE. Parents have always shared that this information is useful. 


However, the Department for Education have shared some statutory guidance that schools should consider when producing a uniform policy. One of these requirements is to allow parents to help in the production of a policy. CLICK HERE. With this in mind we are pleased to invite parents to read our draft policy and then have the opportunity to complete a short online form to share any thoughts on the uniform at St. John's and our draft policy. The DfE state that 

By creating a common identity amongst all pupils, regardless of background, a school uniform can act as a social leveller. It can reduce bullying and peer pressure to wear the latest fashions or other expensive clothes. If, however, the uniform is too expensive it can place an unreasonable burden on families. Furthermore, if a distinction can be made between those who can afford it and those who cannot, this can reduce the benefits of a uniform and has the potential to negatively impact attendance, access and participation, and lead to bullying.


Please be aware that we have no plans to alter our uniform, our suppliers or our guidance that we have had published on the website for several years. This draft policy and parental survey is to ensure that we act on the Department for Education guidance. 


If any parents have any questions please don't hesitate to speak to Mr. Averis any morning or afternoon when he is at the school gate. 


Finally, in the run up to Christmas we are inviting children to wear novelty hair bands in the final week of term and on Christmas jumper day (Wednesday 14th December) only. Please can children continue to wear normal hair bands until then, thank you. 


Draft policy - CLICK HERE

Parental uniform survey - CLICK HERE
