We have already shared that all government tests for the end of the year have been cancelled. Children in years 1,2,4 and 6 that normally take SAT tests for the government won't be taking them this year.
Even though the government tests won't be taking place we will still be producing an annual report to parents that will share information about the level that children are working at. To help ensure that we are able to report accurate assessments we are going to have an 'internal' test week at school.
This will take place week beginning June 14th and all children in years two and up will be taking some tests this week. The tests will be taking place in the children's classrooms and will be marked by the teachers. The teachers will then use these results, along with work done in class to help assess the standard that children are working at, compared to national standards.
Our curriculum page has lists of age related expectations on our curriculum page. CLICK HERE.