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Free school meal donations

Many thanks to our friends at Morrisons in Belper who have donated food parcels to every free school meal child at St. John's today. 

These parcels are available for children that have the following free school meals. 

  • Yes - All children in year 3,4,5 and 6 that have a free school meal
  • Yes - Children in reception, year 1 and year 2 that are in receipt of pupil premium funding for free school meals. 
  • Sorry, this help from the local authority is not available for reception, year one and year two children that have a universal free school meal.


The food parcels can be collected

1) After school between 3.15pm and 3.40pm on Tuesday 15th December when they can be collected from the covered playground areas outside the old reception classroom.


2)  After school between 5.15pm and 5.45pm on Tuesday 15th December when they can be collected from the school hall.


The picture below shows the contents of one food parcel, please be aware that contents may vary slightly. These parcels are donations from Morrisons and are not part of the government's Christmas free school meal provision. 


