We have been asked to share this message by the local authority with all parents of children that have free school meals. St. John's contacted all these families on the 7th December to ensure that we have the correct contact details for the vouchers to be sent to.
Please see the message below.
If you are a family on a low income you could get food vouchers for your children over the Christmas period.
The money to pay for these vouchers has come from the government through its COVID-19 winter grant scheme which is over and above the other support schemes already provided by Derbyshire County Council. The family of every child who gets free school meals in Derbyshire schools because of low income can get a £30 food voucher for the Christmas holidays. You will get another voucher in February if you are still eligible, the amount will depend on the number of children who qualify at that time. Some other families are also eligible based on financial hardship.
You will receive vouchers if you meet one of the following criteria:
• Have a child aged 3 to 18 in a Derbyshire school (nursery to year 13), eligible for free school meals because of low household income.
• Have a child aged 3 or 4 not in a Derbyshire school nursery that receives free childcare and qualifies for 'pupil premium' based on low income (this is sometimes called 'economic funding').
• Have a child aged 2 that is eligible for free 2-year-old childcare because of low household income.
You do not need to do anything if your child already meets these criteria (see our website for full terms and conditions). We will contact you and you should receive a payment by email or text message that should arrive by 21 December 2020.
If you have children and you do not currently claim free school meals or means-tested free childcare you may still be eligible. For full details of the scheme or to see what help and support is available, please visit www.derbyshire.gov.uk/winter