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Junior sport - substitute event

Despite the weather forecasts working against us for the junior sport afternoons last week, we are still going to ensure that our children get to enjoy a sport festival.

Over the next two weeks we are going to have

  • A lower junior sport festival where year 3 children will compete with year 4 children cheering and then have our year 4 children compete with our year 3 children cheering.
  • An upper junior sport festival where our year 5 children will complete with the year 6 children cheering and then our year 6 children compete with at least our year 5 children cheering and hopefully our year 3 and 4 children joining in.

The school calendar is very busy over the next two weeks. We have school trips, visitors and other events that have been in the calendar for a long time. Please ensure that junior children have their PE kits with them in school every day so that we can run this event as soon as the weather and school calendar allows. The weather forecast for the next fortnight isn’t brilliant, with the BBC showing rain every day from tomorrow (Saturday 8th) to Thursday 20th. Fingers crossed we get to enjoy this event ASAP. Sorry but we will not be inviting families and parents into watch these sport festivals.
