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Nursery nativity postponed

We have unfortunately had to postpone the date of the nursery nativity, scheduled to take place on Wednesday 11th December and apologise for any inconvenience that this causes. This is due to Mrs. Gallen having to begin her maternity leave today  on Monday 9th December and Mrs. Grigoriu being off ill today, Monday and tomorrow (Tuesday 10th). At time of writing we are not sure if Mrs. Grigoriu will be returning to work on Wednesday so have made the decision now to postpone the nursery nativity to help parents make arrangements as soon as possible. Subject to Mrs. Grigoriu returning to work, we plan to reschedule the nursery nativity as soon as possible.


I am pleased to report that all is well with Mrs. Gallen, however, she has been advised to begin her maternity leave earlier than planned so will not be able to return to work to enjoy the Christmas fun with us all. I am pleased that Miss Lemon, who will be teaching in the nursery from January is able to come and work on Wednesday 11th and 18th to get to know the children before the holiday. For the rest of the time Mrs. Badhan, who has been working in our reception for three weeks will be able to teach in the nursery.


I will be able to send more information home tomorrow (Tuesday 10th).


Mr. R. Averis


NB - A copy of the letter is now available CLICK HERE. 
