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Vision, Ethos and Five year plan

After a significant amount of work we are pleased to publish our new vision, ethos and five year plan.


Parents may remember that at the summer fayre in June 2016 our governors invited comments and views on the draft plans that we had on display. Your ideas, along with the views of staff and children have allowed the governors to set our vision for St. John's and provide us with a six point, five year plan to achieve it. We have also taken this opportunity to clarify our Ethos recognising what type of school we are.


All of the information can be found in the 'About us' part of our website in the 'Vision, Ethos and Five year plan' section. An easy to print version can be downloaded as well. You are also invited to see how we are working towards our Five year plan with this years School Improvement plan that was shared with parents in the September information evening.

