Weather update – 1.15pm – Friday 20th October 2023
School day
We are aware that the heavy rain is causing disruption on local roads in and out of Belper. The roads in the immediate vicinity around school are still clear and your children will be safe in school until the end of the day. However, considering the disruption on roads such as the A6, parents that are concerned about travelling are able to collect children between 1.20pm and 3pm.
Please come to the school office and we will bring your child to you as soon as possible. You do not need to ring school to come and collect your child.
Your child's attendance will not be affected. This afternoon's attendance at school is being recorded as a partial closure which means that the few children that may be collected early today are still potentially able to get a 100% attendance score at the end of the year.
All children in school at 3pm will be in school safe until the end of the day and can be collected as normal at 3.30pm
We have made the very difficult decision to postpone tonight’s concert at St. Peter’s church. We realise that this will be upsetting for families, children and staff. It is important to us that we all enjoy the concert safely and happily and therefore have begun working with St. Peter’s to move the concert to an evening during the week beginning November 20th. We will share more information about the re-arranged event as soon as we are able. Please keep all tickets as they will be transferred to the new concert.
We have postponed the event due to concerns over weather conditions and the safety of staff and families travelling in difficult and potentially dangerous conditions this evening.
Thank you for your support in both of these matters.