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Saturday 3rd February 2024


Wow! What a day!
We did get a little lie in this morning before Mrs Hodgson led us in prayers. Breakfast was omelette, potato curry and other delicious treats as this would be our last breakfast here.


It was then time collect our sports day resources and head over to St Paul’s Cathedral to set up the equipment and different stations - the weather was already hot! After setting up it was time to find our schools. One of the parents from Scott Lane had made Mrs Richardson a beautiful paper flower to say thank you, the craftsmanship was amazing.

All the schools that had been visited by teachers from Derbyshire were there. We started with the homemade water bottle skittles. The children soon got the hang of the game and were quickly knocking down skittles and chasing after the ball. They all shared and took turns brilliantly. After 20 minutes we moved to the parachute. The joy on the children’s faces was priceless. They haven’t seen a parachute before so it was challenging explaining what to do so, in the end we just let them play underneath and around it before trying to keep the ball on the top without it bouncing off.

Our final station before tiffin was the egg and spoon race. Again the children were so excited to play this game having never done it before. We did have some trying to cheat by holding the egg but they soon got the hang of it.

Tiffin was provided for all the children. Some of them only had a few mouth fulls, then sealed the box to take it home to share with their family. As they ate a magician did tricks involving the children. Their faces had the biggest smiles on them and it was an honour to be a part of the day.

Before they left the parents and school wanted a photograph together. We found a cool place to sit as the temperature was now 25 degrees.


The money that Mrs Hodgson and Mrs Richardson raised by playing the ‘Poke a tree’ game at Christmas helped to fund all the food and the magician for the children - so thank you for your support you have given a lot of children a wonderful day to remember.


It’s a very early start tomorrow morning, we will be up at 4am to leave for the airport at 5am. It’s time to pack our suitcases, have some tea and an early night.

Saturday in Kolkata

Still image for this video