Update April 2022
In February the teachers of the CRS schools met together before the schools re-opened. Then, during February half term, Mrs Hodgson was delighted to be able to have a zoom call with Madhulika and Indrani - the Scott Lane teachers. Language is not easy but we sang a common song and smiled a lot! They told me that school is now open one day a week and the children have returned to their learning.
India update - 7th May 2021
As you may be aware, India is in crisis because of the outbreak of COVID. We have been able to contact the staff at Scott Lane School to find out how it is affecting them. The children have not been to school for over a year, but the teachers are faithfully going to the school 3 times a week to give parents work for the children to complete at home. This is very dedicated of the teachers as they have to travel quite a distance to get to the school. We have been told that the situation is very bad in Kolkata but, to date, the staff and families of Scott Lane have kept well.
Mrs Winson-Bushby and Mrs Hodgson were very pleased to be able to have a Zoom chat with two of the teachers, thanks to the assistance of the Headteacher of another school with the technology and internet. It was so great for them to see each other and be reassured that all were (at that time) well.
On Saturday 8th May the team of Derbyshire teachers who visit Kolkata will be having a Zoom call with the Director of the Cathedral Relief Service in Kolkata where they will find out more about what is happening there.
If you feel able to do so, please consider supporting one of the charities that have set up fundraising specifically in response to the Indian crisis. Here are some links which may be helpful.
This is the link to a JustGiving page that will directly support our friends in Kolkata.
The news is full of recent developments in Kolkata and we are keen to support the communities where our schools are based, knowing that these are amongst the poorest in Kolkata. If you are in a position to contribute, this would be hugely appreciated. Thank you.
This great BBC Newsround article below helps us understand how families in Kolkata and India are coping with COVID.
Kolkata Appeal Details
To contribute to the appeal - to fund medical and food supplies to support 1600 families in our partner areas in Kolkata, please contact Mr C Brown at
- he will be very happy to share with you how to help. Many thanks!
Kolkata Update
Rig has been authorised to go into Hastings and Brace Bridge this week, supported by the police and army (to enforce social distancing) - beginning to take in much needed supplies.
Easter 2021 UPDATE
Mrs W-B and Mrs Hodgson had a fantastic opportunity to meet their fellow teachers from Kolkata over WhatsApp at Easter-time for a catch up. The Head Teacher of St Paul's - the paying school which allows Scott Lane School to use a classroom - welcomed the teachers and offered the use of her computer and internet link to make this possible.
We learned that the students are still learning from home, and that their parents are making their way to the school every 2 days to pick up work and receive instruction from the Scott Lane staff. Our teachers are currently well and it was a joy to chat with them, even at this most difficult time.