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Reading Mat

Happy Wednesday Year 6,


Below you will find your 'morning work' which is a reading mat. The answers are on the second page if you would like to self mark.


I hope you enjoyed your research yesterday.


Today you can have a little more time to research if you need it. Try and get as much information on your chosen explorer as possible. Remember to stay safe online.


Next week, at some point, you are going to present your research findings. Hopefully this will be a PowerPoint presentation, but it may be a different format.


Today, your main task is to plan your presentation ; you can use the outline below. You will need to decide what you want on each slide - this can include information and pictures. You can use your writing books to plan if you wish.


Well done for your work yesterday!


Today you are going to have a go at the reasoning and problem solving questions. Use what you know to answer the questions.


Page 2 = practising (developing understanding)

Page 3 = on track (secure understanding)

Page 4 = greater depth (deepening understanding)


Once you have finished, check you answers. Then you can self mark by using the answers at the end of the document.


Spelling Practice & TTRockstars

You will still have your spelling test on Friday with Miss McConnachie. Please spend some time today practising your spellings ready for the test. Good luck for Friday!


I know you have missed your times tables test this week, however you can use TTRockstars to practise your times tables and later next week we can do the times tables award test. Get practising!


