Sunday 10th January.
Hello Year 1.
We will be posting a Maths and English lesson on your Google Classroom for you to complete each day. We will also be posting 5 'Afternoon activities' for you to complete throughout the week. The afternoon activities will be 3 Project lessons, 1 RE lesson and 1 PSHE lesson. There will also be daily phonics activities and some handwriting activities.
We will post our class timetable so you can do the lessons at the same time as the children in school if you want to. You don't need to do each lesson all in one go, you can split it into shorter chunks throughout the day if that is better for you and your family.
We know that this is all a bit different at the moment. This is new for all of us. Any problems please check the 'FAQ for parents' as this is updated regularly. You can ask your grown up to get in touch through the class page and we will try and help. Your work can be photographed and uploaded through Google Classrooms or the class contact page. We would like you to send us something every day.
Take care everyone.
From Monday 11th January, we will move all work onto Google Classroom. Please log on to familiarise yourself with the new platform. We may put some 'test' documents up so that we can get used to it too! You will find your child’s school email address, log in and passwords on the inside cover of their reading record. Do not hesitate to use contact forms if you need help with anything.
When using Internet links such as 'You tube' stories or clips please view content with your child to ensure safety.