From ‘Understanding the World’ in EYFS, to then applying this understanding throughout our sequential History curriculum at St John’s, children are given opportunities to develop skills of enquiry, a sense of chronology and understand their cultural heritage. Learning is advanced in a progressive approach throughout EYFS and the Primary phases at St John’s to ensure that essential knowledge and skills are taught, developed and learnt – to make them ‘stick’.
At St John's we are historians.
What is our intent?
At St John’s we aim to:
- Promote in children an interest in the past and develop understanding that will enable them to be engaged with History.
- Enable children to know about significant events in British History and appreciate how things have changed over time.
- Develop a sense of chronology.
- Understand how Britain is part of a wider European culture and to study some aspects of European History.
- Have some knowledge and understanding of historical development in the wider world.
- To help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their cultural heritage.
- Develop in children the skills of enquiry, investigation, analysis, evaluation and presentation.
How do we implement this aim?
- Links to other subjects.
- Development of skills and empathy.
- Examining artefacts.
- Using secondary and primary sources.
- Adapted to a local context.
- Skills taught through the National curriculum and corresponding Key Stage
- Inclusion.
What impact does this have?
- Through planning: objectives set and assessment identified.
- Post learning assessment tool.
- Assessment tool grid.
- Vocabulary used.