7th January 2021
As many of you now know, we have moved over to providing home learning via Google Classroom.
Today was the first day and we are very aware that there have been glitches. Please bare with as we get to grips with things.
Many thanks to those of you have tried, if not successfully, to have a go.
Below are 2 documents which you may well find useful. The first is instructions on how to log in and the second has a bit more detail. If you do continue to struggle, please don't hesitate to let us know.
7th October '20
On Friday 2nd of October all the children took home 2 books, in which to work, if they are self-isolating (in line with government requirements). This is not intended for children who are not at school because they are unwell, just those who are unable to come to school, but are otherwise fit & healthy.
20th Nov.. '20
This also includes children whose bubble has been closed, and are Home Learning, though they are not self-isolating themselves.
On this part of the class webpage, Mrs Gartside and Mrs Higgs will upload some work that the children would have been doing in school. If you are at home and feeling well, try to complete some of these yourself. If you need help, you can use the contact forms below, to contact us directly (you can also use these if you want to share any good news, great sentences...!).
We look forward to welcoming you back in to school soon!
You should NOT need to print off anything to complete the tasks, though you can, if it helps.
My Activity Passport
The Department for Education has compiled an Activity Passport for primary aged children with activities for them to complete during each of the school years that they are in primary school. The children have been provided with a copy of this to keep in school, but you can find a copy of it below if you would like to see the activities contained within. The children will be encouraged to complete the Y3 activities over the course of the year and to date their activity passport in school where they will be given the opportunity to tell their friends about their activities.
Photos of your work:
We've now had lots of lovely photos of your work - take a look in the 'Shape pictures' file for w.b. 23.11.20 or Mrs Gartside's class page.
We'd love to hear how you've got on with your work, any research for our project, Predator, or other activities you've done. You won't be able to send photo's the 1st time you contact us, but will be able to once we reply.