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In Year Three, in addition to reading at least 5 times a week, we set weekly spellings and a Maths and English task.  This will be practising learning covered that week.  This could be a worksheet, a task set on our Google Classroom or on-line at and  


Users names and passwords can be found in the front of reading records.


We also encourage the children to learn their times tables.  Each week we do a times table challenge which involves a 6 minute challenge to complete as many multiplication and division questions as possible. 

The Bronze award tests the 2,5 and 10 times table.

The Silver Award tests the 3,4 and 8 times table

The Gold Award tests the 6, 7 and 9 times table

The Platinum Award tests all 12 tables


The children have access to TT Rockstars where they can practise their times tables.  Usernames and passwords are in Reading Records.


TT Rockstars


For every project there is a homework sheet with a choice of activities.  We would love the children to bring in their work for our homework showcase at the end of each term.


Through The Ages Project Homework Ideas
