Every day please practise the sounds we have learnt so far: s, a, t, p, i, n, m, d, o, g, c, k, ck, e, u, r, h, l, ll, b.f,ff, ss
Tricky words – revise: I, no, go, to, the,
Learn: she, he, we, me, be
Look on Youtube for Phase 2/3 tricky word songs.
We are learning 3 sounds this week - j, v, w. Learn one sound a day.
Watch Geraldine Giraffe on youtube to see what objects she finds for each letter.
Look around the house for things beginning with these sounds.
Play I spy.
Practise writing them on paper or a whiteboard and in sand or glitter.
Practise j.v,w.
Play a sorting game – mix up j/v/w objects/pictures and sort them into the correct letter sound.
Complete the phonics worksheet. Stick the sounds next to the correct picture. Have a go at writing the words next to the letters.
Story- Listen to the story of the Lion Hunt . Can you add actions as you tell the story? Draw or paint a picture from the story. When you draw some animals from the story you could try to label them e.g 'l' for lion. If you can hear more sounds in the word write them as well.
Well done everyone for working so hard this week.