Every day please practise reciting numbers to 10, then 20. Count back from 10.
Do some Christmas counting. Make sure that you count really carefully and write the numbers with the correct formation.
Practise recognising numbers and counting objects accurately by completing the 12 Days of Christmas worksheet.
Make some Christmas shape pictures. Can you remember the names of the shapes that you use? Play a describing game. Describe a shape you have used and see if your adult can guess the shape. Then your adult can describe some shapes for you. Can you use words like round, curved, straight, corners, sides?
We are practising subitising today. Subitising is recognising small quantities without needing to count them all one by one.
Play the subitising bingo game. Also, complete the Christmas 3 or not 3 subitising worksheet.
Can you play a game with your adult? The adult says a number from 1-6 and as quick as you can you need to show the correct number of fingers.
Have some fun by choosing a Christmas colour by numbers activity.