I hope that you have all had a wonderful half term break. We have been so lucky with the weather. I hope it stays the same for our final term. It will be lovely to use our outdoor area and the field regularly. I am looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
Our topic in summer 2 is; 'Where in the world?' We are looking forward to finding out about many different places and environments in our world.
If you have any interesting photos, pictures, postcards or objects from your travels then we would love to see them.
Please keep reading regularly at home. Also, practise the tricky words and decodable words that have been sent home. In addition, it is important to learn all the Phase 3 digraphs.
In maths we will continue learning about addition, subtraction, 1 more/1 less to 20, doubles, halving, sharing and different ways to make numbers up to 10.
Dear Parents,
I hope you are having a restful Easter break.
Our topic for Summer 1 is entitled Eco Warriors and we began week one with activities geared around the theme of Jack and the Beanstalk. We will be planting beans in pots and have a Garden Centre role play shop set up for children to use coins to buy items. There are also some fun and interactive money games on www.top marks.co.uk to help children with counting, ordering and sorting coins. Please choose the most suitable game that your child can complete with a little help.
What a great start to Autumn term 2. The children have come back to school with smiles on their faces. They have worked hard and had fun playing together. The new cafe has been very popular. They enjoyed learning about Diwali and making clay divas. We also talked about Bonfire night and created some wonderful, colourful art work. We were lucky with the weather and were able to have fun on the field, looking for signs of Autumn. We are hoping to use the field as often as possible, if the weather is fine, so if you haven’t sent wellies in already then please can you do so. We will keep the wellies in school to use whenever we visit the field.
Our Talk for Writing this term is based on the Bear Hunt. If you have the book at home it would be great if you could share it with your child. They should be able to join in with the story. If you haven’t got the book then you can find Michael Rosen telling the story on YouTube. The children have really enjoyed this version.
Just a reminder- we are going to start checking the childrens’ reading record books each week to see how many times they read. If they read four or more times a week then they will be able to choose a treat at the end of term. It makes such a difference if the children read regularly at home. Just write the name of the book (either the phonics or choosing book) and sign it each time. If you would like to write a comment sometimes you are welcome to and we enjoy hearing about their home reading.
Hello again,
We had a great week talking about families. We enjoyed looking at all the photos of children’s families. Thank you for sending them in. I will return them next week.
The children painted and drew their families. We looked at how we change from baby to adult and did a sorting activity to decide what a baby, toddler, child and adult would need.
In maths we continued to look at numbers to five and different ways we could see/make those numbers. We enjoyed using the double sided counters to help us with this. We looked at ordering by height and ordered pictures by order of height. We did a lot of work on sorting. We sorted in different ways and the children had to discuss why we had sorted them that way. A lot of thinking went on. It was easy when we sorted by colour or by boys/ girls, but then it got a lot trickier when we sorted by different criteria. We will continue working on this. Several children then chose to continue sorting using different objects.
During the next two weeks we will be focussing on Harvest. This is also our focus in RE. The children bought a letter home on Friday about how you can still donate food, even though we are unable to have our church Harvest Festival.
I’m looking forward to speaking to you all next week during Parent’s Evening.
Hello everyone!
We had another great week last week. We continued our topic about 'I Am Special' and looked at hands and touch. We had fun feeling different textures and thinking of different describing words. This week we are concentrating on listening. If you look on Tapestry you will see all the fabulous musical instruments we made. We made a band and walked round the playground singing 'I hear the band'. Look out on Tapestry for the video!
We are also looking at shape and pattern. Perhaps you could a have a go at looking for shapes around your house and make patterns with natural objects. This week we have also been concentrating on finding out about numbers 1,2,3,4. We have found different ways of making these numbers e.g two toy horses and two cows make 4. We looked at different ways of making spotty patterns with each number.
Well done children for working so hard.
Copied from the message section of the Reception page.
Week Commencing 28th September 2020
The children will be getting changed for PE, starting from next week. So, please make sure your child has their PE kit in school. Reception children will be keeping their PE bags in school and not taking them home at the end of the day.
Part of the Early Year’s Curriculum is for children to become independent and be able to dress and undress themselves. It would be really helpful if you could help your child learn to dress and undress themselves.
Just a reminder - our PE days are Wednesday and Thursday.
On Monday your child will bring home a phonics book, with words in, using some of the sounds we have learnt so far. Please help your child sound out the words and have a go at reading them. If they don’t recognize the sounds then you can sound them out and see if they can hear the word. This is called oral blending. They still need to practice book conventions e.g. turning the pages, talking about the pictures, telling the story, predicting what might happen next.
On Friday your child will have a ‘choosing book’. These books are not phonic based so you will be sharing these books with your child, reading it to them and seeing if they can join in. They often have a repetitive structure so your child should be able to join in with the pattern of the words. They can look out for any letters they recognize and also practice book conventions.
It is such a special time of the day sharing a book with your child.
Please don’t forget to sign their reading record book when you have read with them.
Thank you for your support.
Mrs Christie and Mrs Badhan
What a fabulous start to our new school year. It was lovely to welcome parents and children to school on Wednesday. I enjoyed meeting the children and chatting with parents.
I am so proud of all the children in my class. They have been fantastic about leaving their parents in the playground and coming into school by themselves.
We have had fun in school- lots of exploring all the resources, creative activities and listening to stories. The children have sat so sensibly on the carpet and shared resources well. As soon as I can I will be adding photos of the children (when permission has been given) on my class photo page.
Just a reminder- please check your child's book bag regularly for letters and other information. We put some information in them on Friday. We will be putting the newsletter and calendar in on Monday.
Please send the Tapestry permission letter back as soon as possible so that we can start showing you all the exciting things the children are doing in school.
Thank you for supporting your children to settle so well in their first week.
I look forward to seeing the children next week. Monday and Tuesday are still part time. Then Wednesday is the first full day.
Kind regards,
Mrs Christie