Home Page


Welcome to Reception!

Below you will find lots of information about EYFS2 including your child's class page with lots of photographs of their learning journey. 

All newsletters and other helpful information can also be found in the links underneath the class pages.



  • Tuesday 7th January – Starry Night Treasure Hunt - 

    Night-time Treasure Hunt - Don’t forget we have our Night-time Treasure Hunt at 5:00pm. The walk will finish at 5:45pm. Please remember to bring your own torch and outdoor shoes in case it is muddy. Please enter through the side gate at the car park and wait on the playground. Parents will need to stay with children to accompany them on the walk.                                                           

  • Friday 10th January to Sunday 19th Jan – Mrs Richardson working in India.
  • Friday 31st January INSET Day
  • Week beg: 3rd February – Parents Evening (more information to follow)
  • Tuesday 11th February - Pyjama Day (more information to follow)
  • Friday 14th February school closed for half term break.
  • Monday 24th February school reopens.

EYFS Lead & Buxton Class Teacher                                                 Castleton Class Teacher:

Mrs Richardson                                                                                   Mrs Wojick 



 TLA: Mrs Grigoriu                                                                              TLA: Mrs Cresswell

(works with both classes)                                                                 (works with both classes)      



TLA: Mrs Hodgson                                                                            HLTA: Mrs Fox

(Working in Castleton Class)                                                           (Covers Mrs Richardson)





Welfare & Medical Assistant:

Mrs Cooper


If you need to speak to your child's class teacher there are a couple of ways you can do this.

1. Write a note and give it your child to pass onto us. 

2. Phone the office and leave a message. We will then try to contact you within the day but this is not always possible. We will always return your call.

3. Organise to speak to us after school at a time that is convenient for us all.



