Remote Learning FAQ's - Last updated on 17.1.22
Are you able to loan families laptops to help with remote learning?
Yes. Please order a laptop from school using this link CLICK HERE - or ring school and speak to Mrs. Howis, letting her know that you would like to borrow a laptop.
What is the grading feature on google classrooms where teachers can give children a score out of 100 for the work that they have done?
This feature is part of google classrooms. Teachers at St. John’s will not be using this. We do not give a percentage score for pieces of work at St. John’s. When marking work at St. John’s, teachers comments help children recognise where they have achieved the learning objective and how they can extend their learning or where children have not achieved the learning objective and may need some extra help.
How much remote learning will my child have to do at home every day?
Infant children will have about 3 hours of remote learning a day, with year 2's having slightly more and reception children having slightly less.
Junior children will have a minimum of four hours remote learning a day.
Please remember that unless we are partially or fully closed all our teachers will be in school every day teaching as well as providing online work at the same time for the children at home. Teachers will be working with both groups of children throughout the day, and will be spending their evenings re-charging their batteries. Please remember that teachers will not be responding to emails and google classroom notifications in the evenings.
How will children at home have to access remote learning?
Teachers in year 1 and up will be using google classrooms. Reception and nursery teachers will be using tapestry.
Are teachers using google classrooms to talk to children at home during the day?
Yes. Our remote learning policy shares that we have two stages of remote learning
1) Partial Remote Learning - when school is fully open, teachers are teaching their classes but some children may be ta home isolating. When this is in place teachers will individually contact children by the 5th day of their isolation and every 5 days after that.
2) Full Remote Learning when bubbles are sent home, the school is partially closed or the school is fully closed. When this is in place teachers will be contacting children at home daily using google meet and will be providing support during lessons.
We are also using pre-recorded video support from providers such as Oak Academy.
How do I get help as a parent using google classrooms?
All teachers are keeping a record of children that are engaging and submitting work on google classrooms. We are contacting families where children are not engaging or submitting work to offer help. If you are having problems and your class teacher has not contacted you yet, they will do soon, hopefully be the end of this week, to offer help.
When is the work submitted on google classrooms getting marked by the class teacher? What happens if my child submits work after the deadline?
Teachers are really enjoying the opportunity that google classroom gives us to help children at home as we can mark work and provide feedback to your children. Your children are submitting work in a variety of formats, including google sheets and taking pictures of completed work and uploading it.
Teachers are marking work of pupils at home in a variety of ways.
Teachers will set a deadline so that parents and children know when best to hand the work in. Work handed in by this deadline will be marked alongside the work done by the children in school, giving all children equal opportunities.
We recognise that sometimes there will be reasons that children at home can’t submit work before the deadline. You may be sharing a laptop with a sibling, or want to wait until a parent gets home to have some help. Therefore all work submitted within 24 hours (or one school day on a Friday) of the deadline will be marked and looked at by the teacher. Work submitted after 24 hours will not be looked at by the teacher.
How does my child access google classrooms?
Your child has a password and user name. This is the same username and password that was shared in your child’s annual report to parents in July 2020 and has been shared with and used by your children regularly since.
Google classrooms can be accessed at home on computers, tablets, games consoles and many other types of hardware.
Where can I get some google classroom help?
We have a special remote learning page for parents. This page has some google classroom help sheets. CLICK HERE.