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Week 1


We started our project this week by thinking all about our local area of Belper. We went on a walk to explore our local area and spotted lots of different types of transport, buildings and other features such as post boxes and bus stops! We even visited the local shop and used our best manners when purchasing a treat! 

We then used pictures from our walk to create our very own maps of the lcal area we had explored! 

We had a wonderful time!


What a fantastic start to Forest Schools this week! 

The children met Brambleberry the Woodland Elf and he had a very exciting task for them to do! 

The children had to search for Brambleberry's friends and then find the many different natural objects that the friends asked them to find!

The children searched for different shaped leaves, sticks and many other natural objects! 

The children also really enjoyed their game of '1, 2, 3 Where are you?'

We had a lovely time. We can't wait for the next one! 
