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Week 2


This week we have been travelling around the world! We started by looking at the country of India and learnt all about the animals, culture, climate, food and people of India. We then looked at some Indian Henna patterns and the children had fun colouring and creating their own! 

We have also spent time learning about Antarctica and its climate and exciting animals.

We then used the Beebots to explore the big world map and tried to navigate our Beebot from one country to the next, moving from India to Antarctica and back to the United Kingdom.


In Maths we have been learning all about sharing and grouping equally. We even crafted some cookies to share at our teddy bears picnic on the maths table, and then shared some delicious bisuits in our maths lesson!  Fantastic fun!


To end our week we had an exciting webinar with Andy from CBeebies who was telling us about his new book Dino Dad. We learnt how to draw Dina Dad by the illustrator and learnt all about the story and how long it took for him to write it and had a dino dance competition.  They even did a shout out to both the classes which was fantastic!
