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Week 3


This week we have been learning all about the life cycle of a butterfly! We have learnt some exciting new words like chrysalis and the children have created their own butterfly life cycles! We are now even more excited to see how our caterpillars are going to grow and change! Look how much they have grown already! 

Our sunflowers have also started to grow and we cannot wait to see which one will grow the tallest! 

This week the children have also been helping with weeding some of the pots in our outdoor area. They did a fantastic job at helping me and we even found some baby carrots growing! I wonder what we will plant next! 


We have also been celebrating the coronation of King Charles and the children looked wonderful in their red, white and blue clothes today! We have been learning about the ceremony that will be happening at the weekend and learning about why he will be King.

We also had an exciting celebratory lunch on the playground at dinner time! It was very yummy!
