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Week 4

This week we have been talking about changing and growing up as the children get ready to leave Reception! 

We have looked at the story of The Cautious Caterpillar who was scared and worried about becoming a butterfly, but in the end he found out that it was actually great! We talked about our feelings and things we may be worried about and excited about and answered any question about moving into Year 1! 

We have also looked back on some of our favourite memories from Reception as the children made their memory t-shirts!

The children then spent two mornings with their new Year 1 teachers and had lots of fun!

Our butterflies have also been doing lots of changing and have finally hatched out of their chrysallis and were ready to be set free!



The children had a super last session at Forest Schools this week!

They were using flint and steel to start real fires and even got to toast some marshmallows! They were very yummy!

The children also talked about how charcoal is made and and made som charcoal drawings! What a super time!
